Tuesday, February 26, 2008

from 2/25/08

from 2/23/08

I thought the subject was interesting but i couldn't choose before the two pictures.

from 2/21/08

From 2/22/08

I went back to the orchid show this past week becuse I really liked the orchid as a subject. here is one of the pictures. I also coverted to black and white.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Shot Glasses on white carpet

This was taken without a flash.

This picture is was taken of the three shot glasses where they meet in pyrimid formation. I used a flash

I took the picture below by playing with angles and flash when 3 shot glasses were placed in a pyrimid formation. This picture is from the top looking down.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Glitter & capturing sparkle

Here is the same object but move to a distance and in a better focus
Here is a close up shot where the glitter on the heart from the wreath came out a bit better.

I had a wreath hanging in my living room for Valintine's Day and it had glitter leaves. I thought it would be a challenge to try and capture the glitter and shine correctly.

Pictures from Saturday 2/16/08

Orchid close up but I couldn't get it to focus the way i would have liked it too. I took these pictures at the Orchid show that was taking place at the national botanical gardens

I liked the picture of these flowers becuse the show a selected focus. The flower in the forground is in focus and the flowers and greenery in the background are out of focus.

I liked how the blue tiles and the fountain popped among the orchids .

I thought this picture framed the flag as well as had good balance becuse the pillars and arches center the flag.

This is another picture of the Capital building. When I used this Picture I tried to shoot the two trees so they would frame the capital between them.

I also took this picture on Friday and tried to use the lamp post and the detail to add a cool detail to the side of the picture. I thought the angle was interesting so i took the picture anyway

Picture from Friday 2/15/08

I went for a walk from union station to the capital building. L liked how the road crossed in front of the capital and faded into a vanishing point. The sun on the right of the dome giving a slight shine causes the eye to focus on the capital building.